
Snappers and Tweeters

We’ve been trending in Brisbane. If you tweet you already know what I mean. If not, it means that the CBA was one of the most popular twitter topics for the three days of the conference, and we’ve achieved this with the help of six savvy students from The University of Queensland and Queensland University of Technology. They’ve been to all our sessions, sending out immediate Twitter messages. Their brief was to create a buzz, and where better to start than from our Opening Reception at the Gallery of Modern Art. In 140 characters they described the speeches, the dancing and the music. They then went into more serious mode from the conference room, where they succinctly summed up the message of each key-note speaker and panel discussion.

As well as our tweeters we had student photographers on hand, taking pictures of speakers at the podium, but also those more informal moments “off-stage”, when face-to-face conversations lead to lasting friendships and partnerships. You can see a selection on our Flickr page.

So thank you to Mikaela Aitken, Kathryn Louise Geels, Amanda Khoo, Nick Lewis, Kimberley Vlasic and Pak Wayne Yiu. In his blog, Pak described the days with us as “exhausting, yet fulfilling” even “inspiring”. Amanda said she had “spoken to highly influential and interesting people” and thanked CBA for “trusting me to be a part of the social media team and allowing me to apply the skills I’ve learnt in university. I am now even more excited to graduate in December and embark on a (hopefully) successful career.” We hope so too, and they have our full support.

This post was written by Siobhann Tighe

This entry was posted in Conference.