At the CBA Conference on 13 May in Glasgow, members at the AGM unanimously carried special resolutions that enable the organisation to broaden its global focus, and become the Public Media Alliance.
The new name reflects the ability for Public Service Broadcasters from any country, not just within the Commonwealth, to become full PMA members. Previously non Commonwealth country members could only be affiliates without voting rights.
The use of the word “media” instead of “broadcasting” has been chosen to reflect the multi-platform, multimedia reality of Public Service Broadcasting in the digital age. The Public Media Alliance, as the CBA has become, will continue to identify and uphold the key pillars of public media globally providing support for its members in the digital era.
Members also voted for and appointed the board at the AGM, returning Moneeza Hashmi (Pakistan) as President, Gary Allen as Vice-President (Jamaica), with Albertus Aochamub of Namibia as new Vice-President. The rest of the board now comprises Usha Bhasin (India), Nanise Fifita (Tonga), Peter Horrocks (UK), Mogomotsi Kaboeamodimo (Botswana), Joyce Mhaville (Tanzania), Ladan Salihu Mohammed (Nigeria) and David Sutton (Australia).
The new board aptly reflects the global diversity and reach of the Public Media Alliance. Read the board members’ biographies.
The change process for the CBA to become the Public Media Alliance will take place over the coming months, sign up to our newsletter or follow us on social media for updates and further news.